Well, the internships are going great! Got the fists in and animated, now we just need to touch up the animations and get 'em skinned and get better sounds. It's looking good though! I can't wait to get it playable, and to show you guys :o) I actually have a few in-house videos already but I'm not sure if it's ready for public release yet..but I do have something I can show!!
I was reading some thread on cymatics when this guy in the comments used the word Lissajous to describe sand movement. I googled this strange word and found no definition, but instead a Wolfram's and a
wikipedia mathematics page. Quite informative, but fairly heady. There was once a time when I would shy away from this, but this time I decided, "Hey, I want to make a program that utilizes these!" And so, I did.
Here is the result of a total of about two hours, I suggest you download it and play with it :) I hope the Dance mode works as smoothly on slower PCs as it does on mine..let me know what you think! It's fairly silly but was a great learning experience. Here's some pics to show it happened:
I am including a link to the Release .exe. It's written in C# and so will require the .NET 3.5 framework.
Click to download Lissajous Curves Win32 Binary
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